Introducing my newsletter

I’ll keep this brief: I’ve been thinking for a while now about starting a newsletter on Substack. But like the gent in the image above pictured reading a newspaper and three books while working on his laptop and feeding ducks, I’ve been multi-tasking these last few months, and just couldn’t find the time.

Now that I’ve sorted out some parts of my life and carved out a slice of time to think beyond the ducks, here it is: edition one of the Substack version of Smoke Signals.

Read, subscribe — here on, updates will happen on that medium.

Take care, stay safe, vote sensibly.

One thought on “Introducing my newsletter

  1. Finally! Finally! Finally I could see our great leader’s pic on your blog. What a lovely start to the day. Also, congrats on the substack, but that is lesser important you see.

    So happppppy Prem. Yey!

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